We’re All Anti-Vaxxers Now
No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses — one vaccine at a time, over time. — 9/3/2014
Ever since the summer, half of Americans have said they have no plan of getting a COVID-19 vaccine if one comes out before the election, with one third down right refusing to. I am in that one third who would not take it, regardless of how that makes me sound to the general population. I refuse to inject something into my body when it was created for no other reason than to make Donald Trump look good — I refuse.
Let me just remind you all Donald Trump is the same man who thought a (not particularly safe) Lupus medication could cure COVID-19. The only reason he thought this was because he saw the man who conducted a debunked study promote this idea on Tucker Carlson’s show. At time of writing, no study has found Hydroxychloroquine to be an effective treatment for COVID-19 in any notable majority of penitents — although a small handful have been found it to be useful (or at least, not dangerous) as part of a cocktail of treatments.
At the same time, the FDA was going after people who had fake treatments for COVID-19. Most famously, local regulators sued Televangelist Jim Bakker over his silver treatment, and the FDA went after radio host Alex Jones for selling untested products. As this was going on, I pointed out just how hypocritical it was for government to go after an untested treatment, while any test they ran on Hydroxychloroquine — a medication they desperately wanted to work — kept showing it to not live up to the hype.
The fact is, people do not believe this man could create a new vaccination. And the politicians seems to know this, considering many who are not loyal to Trump are slowly moving away from the vaccine dogma Trump wants to exploit. Back in April, the same President who is suppose to be creating a new vaccine suggested we inject bleach as a treatment for COVID. This is the same man who called the virus a “Democrat hoax,” who promised it would not become a pandemic, and who had Larry Kudlow tell everyone the virus was contained “pretty close to airtight.”
As I like to remind people, COVID-19 is not the first strain of the coronavirus, and yet COVID-19 could be the first strain we have a vaccine for. Meanwhile, the common cold is a strain of the coronavirus, and we have been working on a vaccine for that for around seventy years.
On 9/16/2020, CDC director Rob Redfield said the following in front of Congress:
I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because it may be 70%. And if I don’t get an immune response, the vaccine is not going to protect me. This face mask will.
Is this the CDC admitting that a vaccination is not going to happen? I guess only time well tell. Although it seems like Kamala Harris took it as such, as she said the following earlier in September while on CNN:
If past is prologue, that they will not, [skeptics will] be muzzled. They’ll be suppressed. They will be sidelined because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he’s grasping for whatever he can get to pretend that he has been a leader on this issue when has not. . . I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.
This was called a “dangerous conspiracy theory” by Jake Schneider (who works for the Trump 2020 campaign), “a dangerous and deeply cynical message” by Steve Guest (spokesperson for the RNC), and “endangering public health” by Andrew Clark (a Trump campaign spokesman). Of course, none of these same standards were applied to Trump promising us it won’t become a pandemic, or calling it a “Democrat Hoax.” And none of these people said the same about Trump getting caught on tape admitting to downplaying the virus, which was quite endangering to public health.
However, Stu Whitney had the most harsh comments of Kamala’s comments:
First of all, it is HIGHLY unlikely that a U.S.-based vaccine will be approved and distributed by the start of November. But anti-vaccine rhetoric for the sake of political posturing from someone of Harris’ stature is disconcerting.
Sometimes it feels like Trump could create anything, call it a vaccine, and people would fall for it. And that’s why Trump has been pushing a vaccination so much in the first place, and not an actual treatment or cure. The President wants us to believe his vaccine, like all others, is infallible. However, while the others were forced to prove themselves against decades upon decades of criticism, Trump just wants to be able to call his treatment a “vaccination” because it sounds good.