"The best piece of evidence is circumstantial "
No it isn't. "Circumstantial evidence" all too often is nothing more than coincidence hunting.
"You can’t ask for evidence while at the same time refusing to acknowledge that this theory is plausible and deserves investigation before any other."
So I have to accept your premise in order to ask for evidence of your premise?
"The only reason I can fathom that anyone would be so averse to investigating the theory with the most circumstantial evidence, like scientists and investigators do to figure things out, is because they don’t want to admit that they were taken for a ride with a narrative that had no evidence to support it."
When did I say I was against an investigation? I do believe it would be a massive wasit of tax-payer money, and I would want to know who's actually engaging in the investigation to make sure there aren't any conflicts of intrest, but if you can have a non-bias investigation I would totally support that. All I'm saying is that the evidence does not exist at this current moment, and you're failing to show me it.