Mr. Enter Gets His YouTube Channel Demonetized, Because Potatoes . . . At Best
I have been a fan of TheMysteriousMrEnter since somewhere between him Spongebob You’re Fired review and his Life of Brain review. I’ve seen him and his opponents at their best, his worst, and his ugliest. He is one of the few reviewers I can say I make sure to watch every new video from, and have been doing so for many years. I say this because when I saw a live-stream called “Very Important Conversation,” I clicked as soon as possible.
It turns out, Enter is unable to monetize any video he uploads to his TheMysteriousMrEnter channel. Luckily, he showed the email from YouTube he got so people like me can make fun of it. It reads as follows (any bold text is done that way by him here):
Hi TheMysteriousMrEnter
Hello YouTube, how have you been? I’ve been doing fine personally, although I’d be doing much worse if I was working for you guys and not getting paid.
During a recent review, our team of policy specialists carefully looked over the videos you’ve uploaded to your channel TheMysteriousMrEnter. We found that a significant portion of your channel is not in line with our YouTube Partner Program policies.
Who are these specialists exactly? And what makes them so special exactly? Are they members of Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council?
As of today, your channel is not eligible to monetize and you will not have access to monetization tools and features. Please go to your monetization page to read more about the specific policy our specialists flagged.
For those curious, although this was not stated in the email, according to YouTube, Enter was told the standard he violated was “Reused Content.” Reused content does not mean what it sounds like it means, at least, according to YouTube. It’s seems to more or less be copyright violation.
Of course, Enter has gotten many copyright claims by content creators over the course of his time on YouTube. He also fights them, and has never been sued because he is completely allowed to do what he does within Fair Use law. This is because the YouTube copyright system is infamous for being very corporate friendly.
Many of his older fans remember Viacom. If you don’t, they suspended his channel in early 2015 by giving various Spongebob reviews he made copyright strikes. This includes an audio commentary on his One Course Meal review, and a video he previously won a copyright battle against. Another one of those videos was later flagged for copyright ID by Viacom after he got his channel back and won a copyright battle on it.
But even Viacom (who uploaded videos on there content to DMCA them and sue YouTube over it), Blue Rocket Productions (who flagged his review of a cartoon called Pixel Pinkie and tried to blackmail him to not fighting a claim they made), or even Turner Broadcasting (who claim the same multiple times under different names) are the worst. Why? Because they actually own the footage in question.
During the early years of the brony fandom, Shout Factory was caught many times flagging fair use reviews of episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Shout Factory owed nothing, they were simply distributing the show to various streaming services. But even they weren’t the worst. Why? Because they could claim ignorance.
One infamous company called Ad Rev for a 3rd Party owns nothing, yet they make copyright claims on YouTube all the time. There business model is basically to just issue copyright ID’s on random videos in order to get those videos monetized.
Sorry, back to the email.
We know this is tough news, and sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.
Okay, who made this decision? Does Susan Wojcicki— the CEO of YouTube — know about this? Was it the purple monkey you show me every time a get an error on YouTube? It was the purple monkey, wasn’t it?
To these corporations: Outside of the Supreme Court, everyone knows you guys aren’t people. This email was sent by a bot, everyone knows this. This choice was made by random “specialists,” and your website is ran by Susan Wojcicki. Yes, she is a robot. Don’t believe me? Look at some of her most famous quotes:
I love taking an idea… to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.
On YouTube, women are not just users; they’re creators. They’re learning about business and technology, and having a voice.
Work smart. Get things done.
Right now, offline and online are coming together because of smartphones.
If we don’t succeed we run the risk of failure.
Okay, that last one might have been Dan Quayle.
We have a responsibility to ensure our community is safe for creators, viewers and advertisers. At the same time, we understand that you may have unintentionally made mistakes. That’s why you’ll be able to reapply for the YouTube Partner Program in 30 days. This 30-day time period allows you to make changes to your channel to make sure it’s in line with our policies
What mistakes did he make? Just some vague “reused content” idea is not good enough. If someone did this to you who you were in a relationship with, it would clearly be considered abusive.
If it hasn’t been made clear yet, I think something more is going on. After all, Enter spent the 2nd episode of his Technocracy series going after Facebook, a company that actually has a law firm spread lies about people openly.
Although, I think Google was involved. Here is what I got when I typed “YouTube,” into his channel:
- Technocracy Episode 1: YouTube
- Animated Atrocities #83: YouTube Copyright School
- YouTube’s copyright problem has a new dirty trick
- Just how broken is YouTube’s copyright system?
- Where’s The Fair Use
- Many more
What I’m saying is, I think they were angry about more than him not making a second episode of Family Film Failures. Considering Enter has been a critic of YouTube, Google, and corporations in general, I’m going to assume this is just a final attempt to shut him up.