Member-only story
Lolicon Is Child Pornography
This post began life on 1/25/2022, when my friend Neko Koda — a male-to-female transgender slideshow commentator — posted a video titled “Studio NEETing More Is A Danger To Minors.” Believe it or not, the actual topic of the video is not what caught my attention, that honor goes to a screenshot Neko showed for a couple of seconds, where a woman going by the name CarmenRider says the following:
Curious to find out what causes someone to say that combination of thirty-nine words, I decided to do some research on CarmenRider. It turns out Carmen is also a male-to-female transgender slideshow commentator, and she has gotten into controversy among the slideshow commentary community for (among many other reasons) her defense of lolicon.
For those unaware, lolicon is a form of drawn pornography where the characters — specifically female ones (when the characters are depicted as male, that is known as shotacon) — are all depicted are pre-pubescent. Some also lump in attraction to pubescent women with underdeveloped features (small breasts, for example), but that definition is not nearly as universal. Either way, for it to count as lolicon, it has to be…